The floating-body effect and impact ionization generate excess holes that are amplified by the parasitic bipolar junction transistor (BJT) in silicon-on-insulator lateral double-diffused MOSFETs (SOI-LDMOS) that degrade the transistor performance. In this paper, a novel silicon germanium (SiGe) window LDMOS on SOI (SW-SOI) is reported where the buried oxide under the channel region becomes thinner and a SiGe window has been replaced in order to reduce the hole concentration in the channel and control the BJT effect significantly. The novel features of an SW-SOI are simulated and compared with a conventional LDMOS on SOI (C-SOI). In addition, reduced self-heating effects and higher breakdown voltage have been achieved as compared with the C-SOI. Hence, this paper illustrates the benefits of the high performance SW-SOI device over a conventional one and expands the application of SOI MOSFETs to high temperature.