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An optical sensor for zinc determination based on Zincon as sensing reagent

ISI Paper
S. Rastegarzadeh , V. Rezaei
Sensors and Actuators B 129 (2008) 327–331
Publication year: 2008

A Silver Optical Sensor Based on 5(p-Dimethylaminobenzylidene)rhodanine Immobilized on a Triacetylcellulose Membrane

ISI Paper
s. Rastegarzadeh, V. Rezaei
Journal of Analytical Chemistry 63 ( 2008) 897–901
Publication year: 2008

A new sol–gel optical sensor with nonporous structure for determination of trace zinc

ISI Paper
A. Samadi-Maybodi, V.Rezaei
Sensors and Actuators B 199 (2014) 418–423
Publication year: 2014

Sol-gel based optical sensor for determination of Fe (II): A novel probe for iron speciation

ISI Paper
A. Samadi-Maybodi, V. Rezaei, S. Rastegarzadeh
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 136 (2015) 832–837
Publication year: 2015