Mohammad Ramezanpour
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On action of Lau algebras on von Neumann algebras
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour
Bull. Korean Math. Soc., 52(2), 2015, 557--570.
Publication year: 2015
Structural transition between L^p(G) and L^p(G/H)
ISI Paper
N. Tavallaei , M. Ramezanpour , B. Olfatian Gilan
Banach J. Math. Anal., 9(3), 2015, 194--205.
Publication year: 2015
A fixed point approach to the stability of $\phi$-morphism on Hilbert C*-modules
ISI Paper
Gh. Abbaspour , M. Ramezanpour
Ann. Funct. Anal., 1(1), 2010, 44--50.
Publication year: 2010
Reiter's properties for the actions of locally compact quantum groups on von Neumann algebras
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour , H.R.E. Vishki
Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., 32(2), 2010, 1--17.
Publication year: 2010
Module homomorphisms and multipliers on locally compact quantum groups
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour , H.R.E. Vishki ,
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 359, 2009, 581--587.
Publication year: 2009
Character amenability and contractibility of some Banach algebras on left coset spaces
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour, N. Tavallaei, B. Olfatian Gillan
Ann. Funct. Anal. 7(4), 2016, 564--572.
Publication year: 2016
More on cyclic amenability of the Lau product of Banach algebras defined by a Banach algebra morphism
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour
Math. Slovaca, To appear.
Publication year: 2016
Generalized module extension Banach algebras: derivations and weak amenability
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour, S. Barootkoob
Quaest Math. To appear.
Publication year: 2016
Derivations into various duals of Lau product of Banach algebras
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour
Publ. Math. Debrecen, To appear.
Publication year: 2016
Character Connes amenability of dual Banach algebras
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour
Czech. Math. J. To appear
Publication year: 2016
Weak amenability of the Lau product of Banach algebras defined by a Banach algebra morphism
ISI Paper
M. Ramezanpour
Bull. Korean Math. Soc. To appear
Publication year: 2017