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A condition on infinite subsets of soluble groups

Conference Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles
The fourth international group theory conference of Iran - , , - March, 2012 - .
Publication year: 2012

n-Bell property of infinite subsets of groups

Conference Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles
42nd Annual Iranian Mathematcs Conference - , , - September, 2011 - .
Publication year: 2011

Finitely generated groups and second center

Conference Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles
Biennial International Group Theory Conference, Malaysia, 2011 - , 1, -January, 2011 - .
Publication year: 2011

A generalization of Schur's theorem to higher terms of the upper and lower central series

Conference Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles
The Third Conference and Workshop On Group Theory, Tehran, Iran, 2011 - , 1, - January, 2011 - .
Publication year: 2011

A certain property of n-Bell groups

Conference Paper
A. Faramarzi
21th Algebra Seminar of Iran, 2010 - , 1, 91-93 - January, 2010 - .
Publication year: 2010

A relation between the terms of the upper and lower central series in groups

Conference Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles
Fifth International Group Theory Conference - , , - - .

On 3-rewritable groups

ISI Paper
A. Framarzi Salles , C. Sica
Communications in Algebra, - 1, 39, 209 – 219 - January, 2011 - .
Publication year: 2011

A combinatorial property of Burnside variety of groups of finite exponent

ISI Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles , H. Khosravy
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 8, No. 6 - , 8, 845-853 - January, 2009 - .
Publication year: 2009

Finitely generated soluble groups with a condition on infinite subsets

ISI Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society - , , - - .
Publication year: 2013

Locally graded n-Bell groups

ISI Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles
Algebra Colloquium - , , - - .

Projective representations of the group G=< a,b,c| a^{p^2}=b^p=c^p=1,b^{-1}ab=ac,c^{-1}ac=a^{p+1},c^{-1}bc=b>

Journal Paper
A. Faramarzi Salles , A. Iranmanesh
Intern. Math. Journal - , 5, 75-83 - January, 2004 - .
Publication year: 2004