Amin Esfahani
Associate Professor
UG Projects
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Haar basis method to solve some inverse problems for two-dimensional parabolic and hyperbolic equations
R. Pourgholi , S. Foadian , A. E.
TWMS J. App. Eng. Math. 3 (2013) 10–32
Publication year: 2013
Numerical solution of a two-dimensional IHCP based on Duhamel's principle
R. Pourgholi , A. E. , A. Saeedi
J. Adv. Res. Appl. Math. 4 (2012) 50–65
Publication year: 2012
The ADMB-KdV equation in anisotropic Sobolev spaces
A. E.
Diff. Equations Appl. 4 (2012) 459–484
Publication year: 2012
Solitary waves of the rotation-generalized Benjamin-Ono equation
A. E. , S. Levandosky
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 33 (2013) 663–700
Publication year: 2013
On solution of a class of fuzzy BVPs
O. Solaymani Fard , A. E., A. Vahidian Kamyad
Iran. J. Fuzzy Syst. 9 (2012) 49–60
Publication year: 2012
Local well-posedness for the sixth-order Boussinesq equation
A. E. , L. G. Farah
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 385 (2012) 230–242
Publication year: 2012
Global existence and blow-up for the generalized sixth-order Boussinesq equation
A. E. , L. G. Farah , H.Wang
Nonlinear Analysis TMA 75 (2012) 4325-4338
Publication year: 2012
Remarks on a two dimensional BBM type equation
A. E.
Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 11 (2012) 1111–1127
Publication year: 2012
The Cauchy problem for the dissipation-modified Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation
A. E.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 390 (2012) 439-455
Publication year: 2012
Stability of solitary waves for the generalized higher-order Boussinesq equation
A. E. , S. Levandosky
J. Dynamics Diff. Equations 24 (2012) 391–425
Publication year: 2012
Cauchy problem for a model of nonlinear waves generated in viscous films
A. E.
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 35 (2012) 1931–1950.
Publication year: 2012
Solitary waves for the perturbed nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation
A. E.
Appl. Math. Lett. 24 (2011) 204-209
Publication year: 2011
On the ZK equation with a directional dissipation
A. E.
Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011) 4911-4927
Publication year: 2011
Traveling wave solutions for generalized Bretherton equation
A. E.
Commun. Theor. Phys. 55 (2011) 381-386
Publication year: 2011
Ill-posedness results for the (generalized) Benjamin-Ono-Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation
A. E. , A. Pastor
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139 (2011) 943-956
Publication year: 2011
Solitary wave solutions for the generalized Rosenau-KdV equation
A. E.
Commun. Theor. Phys. 55 (2011) 396-398
Publication year: 2011
Instability of solitary waves of the generalized higher-order KP equation
A. E.
Nonlinearity 24 (2011) 833–846
Publication year: 2011
Remarks on solitary waves of the generalized two dimensional Benjamin-Ono equation
A. E.
Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2011) 308–323
Publication year: 2011
On the unique continuation property for Kadomtsev-Petviashvili I and Benjamin- Ono-Zakharov-Kuznetsov equations
A. E., A. Pastor
Bull. London Math. Soc. 43 (2011) 1130-1140
Publication year: 2011
Decay properties of the traveling waves of the rotation generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation
A. E.
J. Phys. A 43 (2010) 395201, 13 pp
Publication year: 2010
On the generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with generalized evolution and variable coefficients
A. E.
Phys. Lett. A 374 (2010) 3635–3645
Publication year: 2010
On the Benney equation
A. E.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 139 (2009) 1121-1144
Publication year: 2009
Instability of solitary wave solutions for the generalized BO-ZK equation
A. E. , A. Pastor
J. Differential Equations 247 (2009) 3181–3201
Publication year: 2009
The dissipative Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation
A. E.
The 41th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference - , , - January, 2010 - .
Publication year: 2010
Anisotropic Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality with fractional derivatives
A. E.
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 66 (2015) 3345–3356
Publication year: 2015
Stability and decay properties of Solitary wave solutions for the generalized BOZK equation
A. E., A. Pastor, J.L. Bona
Adv. Differential Equations 20 (2015) 801–834
Publication year: 2015
Well-posedness and orbital stability of traveling waves for the Schrodinger-improved Boussinesq system
A. E., A. Pastor
Nonlinear Analysis RWA 22 (2015) 206–218
Publication year: 2015
Global rough solutions to the sixth-order Boussinesq equation
H. Wang, A. E.
Nonlinear Analysis TMA 102 (2014) 97–104
Publication year: 2014
Instability of the stationary solutions of generalized dissipative Boussinesq equation
A. E.
Appl. Math. 59 (2014) 345–358
Publication year: 2014
A bilinear estimate with application to the sixth-order Boussinesq equation
A. E., H. Wang
Differential Integral Equations 27 (2014) 401–414
Publication year: 2014
Well-posedness of the ADMB-KdV equation in Sobolev spaces of negative indices
A. E., R. Pourgholi
Acta Math. Viet. 39 (2014) 237–251
Publication year: 2014
Dynamics of solitary waves of the Rosenau-RLW equation
A. E., R. Pourgholi
Diff. Equations Dynam. Syst. 22 (2014) 93–111
Publication year: 2014
Sharp well-posedness of the Ostrovsky, Stepanyams and Tsimring equation
A. E.
Math. Commun. 18 (2013) 323–335
Publication year: 2013
Well-posedness for the Cauchy problem associated to a periodic Boussinesq equation
H. Wang, A. E.
Nonlinear Analysis TMA 89 (2013) 267–275
Publication year: 2013
The ADMB-KdV equation in a time-weighted space
A. E., R. Pourgholi
Ann. Univ. Ferrara. 59 (2013) 269–283
Publication year: 2013
Real valued genetic algorithm for solving an inverse hyperbolic problem: multi-core parallelization approach
R. Pourgholi, A. E., H. Dana
Int. J. Math. Numer. Optim. 4 (2013) 410–424
Publication year: 2013
Resolution of an inverse problem by Haar basis and Legendre wavelet methods
R. Pourgholi, A. E., S. Foadian, S. Parehkar
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolut. Inf. Process. 11 (2013) 1350034
An efficient numerical method for solving an inverse wave problem
R. Pourgholi, A. E.
Int. J. Comput. Methods 10 (2013) 1350009
Publication year: 2013
Solving an inverse initial-boundary-value problem using basis function method
R. Pourgholi, A. E., H. Rahimi, S. H. Tabasi
Comp. Appl. Math. 32 (2013) 27–40
Publication year: 2013
A numerical algorithm for solving an inverse semilinear wave problem
R. Pourgholi, A. E., S. Kumar
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Math. 5 (2014) 1–15
Publication year: 2014